Looking for a quality and affordable service?
The parking area of a property is one of the first experiences a guest or resident has with their visit. At all times it should be well maintained, organized and under control.HD Protective offers Parking Enforcement Services for commercial and residential premises. Professionally trained by Toronto Police Services
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We have created a state-of-the-art software program to streamline daily services and create maximum efficiency.The software replaces the hand written dispatch log that creates miles of paper trail per week/month/year, and offers you in the management office a quick and easy snapshot of any and all goings on either daily or by resident profile
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Spot Check
HD Protective Security Guards assures you of our full commitment .They undergo a rigorous background screening and have gone through a strict licensing process in law enforcement and often times, the military as well. Local Security Experts Committed to Excellence in Service.
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Golf Cart Patrol
HD Protective Services provides responsive & affordable golf cart patrol services for security on commercial & residential properties throughout Ontario. Our patrolling methods allow easy navigation through constrained areas. Therefore, giving our golf cart patrol security guards a better approach to a situation.
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Paid Parking Services
The parking area of a property is one of the first experiences a guest or resident has with their visit. At all times it should be well maintained, organized and under control.
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GPS Logs
HD Protective services used the GPS technology to Improve quality and productivity by tracking vehicle’s location, speed and direction of travel.GPS Insight tracking technology will help improve time of security fleet and provide real time location data.which protects the clients asset .You can also analyze the history of your fleet’s routes to confirm that your employees are making their rounds when and where they should be.
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